JG4 skins

ZG1_Panzerbar antwortete auf Re:JG4 skins

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #18285
Victor, vitamine :)
"Weiss 4" will be with this motto.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: dingsda

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Bendwick antwortete auf Re:JG4 skins

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #18287

ZG26_Panzerbar schrieb: Hi mates!
Two questions:

- On this photo, there is a Bf109 with << 2 + markings. Is it a reserve aircraft of GruppenKomandeur of I./JG4?

It's not a personal "reserve" aircraft of the Gruppenkommandeur. I think it's an normal aircraft of the Geschwaderstab. It could be flown from the Katschmarek (wingman) of the Kommodore for example. A Doppelwinkel << is the marking for the Gruppenkommandeur, the Dreifachwinkel <<< or similar symbols (<<- and so on) shows the plane of the Geschwaderkommodore. Fighters with << plus additional numbers are part of the Geschwaderstab, aircrafts with < plus additional numbers belong to a Gruppenstab. The symbols and numbers are always black.

ZG26_Panzerbar schrieb: - Is it right, that Stab II.(Sturm)/JG4 Fw190's had green numbers instead of chevrons?

Von Kornatzki attempted an emergency landing at Zilly near Halberstadt but crashed into power lines and was killed in his Fw 190 A-8/R2 (W.Nr. 681 424) “Green 3”.

Kornatzkis "green 3" was sure a reserve aircraft or an unpainted new JG4 aircraft. The Stab II.(Sturm)/JG 4 normally used also black symbols. Kornatzki Fw190 should have had a black << + -
Zum Verlieren sind wir nicht fähig,
wir müssen besiegt werden.
Oberst 'Bendwick'
Geschwader TO
Geschwaderstab / JG4
von Bendwick
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ZG1_Panzerbar antwortete auf Re:JG4 skins

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #18359

Bendwick schrieb:

Von Kornatzki attempted an emergency landing at Zilly near Halberstadt but crashed into power lines and was killed in his Fw 190 A-8/R2 (W.Nr. 681 424) “Green 3”.

Kornatzkis "green 3" was sure a reserve aircraft or an unpainted new JG4 aircraft. The Stab II.(Sturm)/JG 4 normally used also black symbols. Kornatzki Fw190 should have had a black << + -

1. Do You have any Stab photos, where symbols are visible? I mean Stab./JG4, Stab I./ , Stab.II and especially Stab III./JG4? On the other side, I know many Stab aircrafts, with numbers instead of symbols (from Stab./JG26 , JG1 or well-known W.Dahl's "blue13" of JG300)

2. Green3 was flown only 2 times, and only 1 time by Kornatzki - when he was killed. So, may be yes, it was reserve a/c. Do You have any photos of his << + -?

3. Stab./JG4 - does it followed instructions on painting a long bar after the kross? I see Fw190D-9 <1- + - of Stab./JG4, but in same time another Fw190D-9 of Stab./JG4 has <|| + without horisontal bar after cross...

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Greif antwortete auf JG4 skins

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #18409
Sounds great Panzerbär :) Can´t wait to see the skins.

No motto/slogan on my skin ;)
von Greif

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ZG1_Panzerbar antwortete auf JG4 skins

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #18445
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Widukind, Gotha229, Pylon, Kruger, dingsda, hanseat, Pega, Oxyd, Goose

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ZG1_Panzerbar antwortete auf JG4 skins

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #18446

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