Yellow antwortete auf INTERACTIVE WAR

Posted 8 Jahre 7 Monate her #26633
i would too but the time zone :sick: sorry !
von Yellow

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Oxyd antwortete auf INTERACTIVE WAR

Posted 8 Jahre 7 Monate her #26638
Hier auch noch der Link zu den Skins zum beteiligten JG53:

Skins II./JG53
von Oxyd

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Oxyd antwortete auf Re:INTERACTIVE WAR

Posted 8 Jahre 7 Monate her #26639

ZG1_Panzerbar schrieb: Yes, and we will had to have Your Bf109G-2 skins to see You guys.

You have got a PM.
von Oxyd

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Kruger antwortete auf INTERACTIVE WAR

Posted 8 Jahre 7 Monate her #26642
oxyd: habe ich schon erledigt
von Kruger

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Widukind antwortete auf INTERACTIVE WAR

Posted 8 Jahre 7 Monate her #26652
kurze Info:Interaktiv WAR
Wir musten am Anfang 1h warten weil die letzten Patches die vorgefertigten Karten
behindert haben.Der Server muste 3-4 mal neu gestartet werden.Ansonsten lief der Server ohne ruckeln etc.Wir haben 4 Ju88 zum Ziel gebracht, die zwar gebombt haben aber alle an der Flak gescheitert sind.Missionstart war beim ersten Büchsenlicht
um ~6Uhr morgens.Ziemlich duster :dry:
Feindkontakt gab es leider keinen,wobei ich nicht unglücklich bin.
Wir wären fast auf ein falschen Flugfeld gelandet :P

von Widukind
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Kruger

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Widukind antwortete auf INTERACTIVE WAR

Posted 8 Jahre 7 Monate her #26734
Ergebnisse der beiden Online War Tage in BOS
The report on the first stage of 2nd ToD: 3-4 October 1942

After exhausting the September fighting and a forced pause, used to restore reserves, already the 3rd October 1942 the battle began again at dawn when the opposing sides bombers rose into the air.

Luftwaffe hit Railroad station and warehouse in sector A. Ju88 suffered heavy losses over Zaplavnoe r/r station from the AAA, however, were able to achieve considerable success, destroying 3/4 of a target. Also, over Stalinskij frontline depot, Luftwaffe executed a brilliant attack: Ju87 attacked it in a dive, followed by Bf110.

VVS said raids on the Railroad station and warehouse in sector C, and despite the large number of enemy fighters, did not encounter any resistance: combat losses was minimal, but the effectiveness of the bombing was ground low.

On the morning of October 4 Wehrmacht tried to break through the defense lines in the sector B in a blow to the Zetas, but the deployment of German tanks under Erik was just seen by red fighter scouts, and in response to the command of the Reds launched a fighter combat air patrol for the Zetas. Reflecting attempt of Luftwaffe to win air supremacy in this sector of the front, the VVS pulled all fighter forces in Sector B. Skillfully maneuvering units, Soviet fighters were able to maintain a permanent presence of fighters over the sector of defense lines and prevent the few Luftwaffe attack aircraft to clear the way for the German tanks. The result was a ceaseless battle for air supremacy over the Zetas, the intensity of which petered out in the afternoon, when it became clear that the Germans attack failed. Soviet fighters won this fray, and were able to shot down 17 german aircrafts, losing only 7 of their own. Heavy Luftwaffe losses can be explained by the fact that on the eve of the offensive there was carried out a football championship, which met the Luftwaffe fighter command and Regia Aeronautica. For this reason, a fighter cover of offencive operation was entrusted to the pilots of the newly arrived Fighter Group, which had no combat experience in this particular theater of war.

Loss of the sides to the materiel on the results of fight on 3 and 4 October:
Red Army Air Force - 24 units. resources
Luftwaffe - 59 units. resources


Friday mission, 1.07.16

Saturday mission, 2.07.16

Top pilots:

Best fighter pilot:

=FPS=Cutlass, La-5 pilot, with 5 airkills.

Attached File i_043.png 63.24KB 0 downloads

Best assault pilot:

I./ZG1_Krokodilor, Bf110E pilot, with 5 ground targets destroyed.

Attached File 1-Bf-110E-ZG1.4-Zerstorer-(S9+FH)-Russia-1942-01.jpg 136.06KB 0 downloads

Best bomber pilot:

LLv32_Kanttori, with 21 ground targets destroyed.

Attached File Junkers_Ju_88A-4.jpg 39.02KB 0 downloadsrge
von Widukind
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: ZG1_Panzerbar

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