TWC-Campaign-Server mit neuen Funktionalitäten

TWC-Campaign-Server mit neuen Funktionalitäten wurde erstellt von Qetzalcoatl

Posted 5 Jahre 3 Wochen her #40052
Die TWC-Leute haben Ihren TWC-Campaign-Server weiter aufgebohrt. Hier ein kleiner Überblick:

We've been rolling out & testing many of the exciting new features. They are live on the TWC Campaign Server now. Hope you'll come on in to the server and try them out--and participate in our major campaign coming soon!

It's TWC Campaign Server on the regular Cliffs of Dover Blitz multiplayer server list in-game. Note: Once you join the server & choose a side, that's your side. Choose wisely.

What's new & improved?

Ongoing continuous Campaign Time=Real Time campaign over the entire 113 Days of the Battle of Britain.
Long continuous sessions--15+ hours dawn to dusk with no server restarts.
Persistent damage to objectives with realistic repair times persistent over sessions. For example, radar towers and airfields are out for days in Real Time as repairs happen; they'll stay out for longer if you keep hitting them.

Real results from objective damage the hurt the other team. If an airport is knocked out, the other team can't use it until it's repaired, which might be days from now in Campaign Time (= Real Time). If a radar tower is destroyed, radar in that area (for the enemy) is knocked out until it is repaired. It could be days. Knock out the Spitfire Factory, stop Spitfire production until it's repaired--days or weeks? Etc.

Team's Objective List & Objectives Accomplished List are persistent over session restarts and from day to day in Campaign Time=Real Time. So if you took out a difficult objective yesterday, it's still taken out today--no need to revisit it (unless you want to--to add more damage). Continue working on your team's Primary Objectives as assigned by HQ over time until you take them out--whether that takes a few hours, a day, a week, or a month.

Group credit for Mission Objective destruction - everyone who helped take out that objective--from recon photo pilot to escort fighter to bomber squadron leader--gets a share of the credit for the victory.

Bomber pilots can call in a squadron of bomber and/or escort aircraft & lead them to attack objectives - bring in a large high-altitude bomber formation, with cover to attack the London Docks, Le Havre Naval Headquarters, and dozens of other potential Mission Objectives across the map. Exciting battles ensue, at 20000ft/6000m and up as fighter pilots try to stop the large, well defended bomber formations--always led by at least one real player--and the bombers battle to get through. And . . . they bombers always do get through, don't they?

High altitude bomber airports (Paris-Orly, Tours, RAF Wittering, RAF Coltishall, etc--look very near the edges of the map for spawn points). Real Battle of Britain high altitude bomber missions started off the map & joined fighter cover near the coast - now you can, too. Come into London, Southampton, Le Havre, or Dunkirk at 20000ft/6000m or more. Of course, you can always sneak around a low altitudes, too--if you must.

Recon flights to identify primary & secondary mission objectives & their precise location via the Photo Intelligence Division.

Objective coordinates as identified by the Photo Intelligence Division can be used to plan & fly missions using a historical-based but flexible Knickebein system, and also to guide/fly/target your cover bomber formations. Knickebein example video here; Knickebein instructions & examples here and here. Attachment 45658

Find the General. The General's approximate position is IDed via recon photos, you must search to find exact location (difficult!) & return a low-level detailed recon photo of the General & staff--before the other side finds YOUR General!

Additional helpful info added to Campaign Radar/General Situation Map web page.
New large Area Bombing Objectives & small, difficult, hardened Bunker Objectives for bomber pilots & squadron leaders, plus dozens and dozens of other interesting--and sometimes difficult--mission objectives all across the map.

Play as TopHat and guide your side's fighters and bombers to their targets, or help them evade enemy fighter groups, using the TWC Radar/General Situation Map - now improved with more of the information commanders and squadron leaders need.

Detailed individual & team stats and scoring system, rank & awards given for meritorious service; detailed record of objectives destroyed and battles won over the entire campaign; updated & improved for this campaign.

Fun to fly and challenging whether there are 2 other players in, or 102.
Discord Channels available for teams flying both sides.

More details about these new features & updates:

General list of features & explanations of how to use them:

How to lead cover bomber squadrons and take out Mission Objectives:

PS: Originalpost hier:
Last Edit:5 Jahre 3 Wochen her von Qetzalcoatl
Letzte Änderung: 5 Jahre 3 Wochen her von Qetzalcoatl.
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