ATAG-Event Samstag 12.09.20 um 23.00h (MESZ)

ATAG-Event Samstag 12.09.20 um 23.00h (MESZ) wurde erstellt von Qetzalcoatl

Posted 4 Jahre 6 Monate her #41584
Die Details sind hier zu finden. Geflogen wird auf der Isle of Wight Karte:

"Join us Saturday 2100 GMT as we remember the 80th anniversary of Battle of Britain Day, 15th September, 1940.

One of the biggest and most important days of the Battle of Britain, for many the turning point of the battle, for others, the war.

The New Dawn Fades mission has been selected on the ATAG Allies and Axis server, to host the event.

Last week saw a full server of 83 players which was awesome to see! Thanks again to everyone who came.

We hope to replicate that this weekend.

Hope to see you there.

TFS's Pattle (flying for the RAF this week) will be livestreaming from 2100-2300 on our YouTube Channel. Would be great to see other players livestream as well.

Let us know if you can, so we can promote your channel.


TFS Team"
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