Heute ab 21.00h wieder - CombatBoxCampaign Alpha 8 - Paratroopers and Radar!

CombatBoxCampaign Alpha 8 - Paratroopers and Radar! wurde erstellt von Qetzalcoatl

Posted 1 Jahr 9 Monate her #48094
Attention all pilots! Attention all pilots! Attention all pilots!

We are thrilled to unveil the latest update, Apollo Alpha 8, packed with exciting new features and enhancements that will take your Combat Box experience to unprecedented heights. Brace yourselves for intense battles and strategic maneuvers as we introduce paratroopers, expanded RCI officers, revamped supply systems, and captivating new objectives and aircraft.

Paratroopers and Airfield Capture: Prepare for a whole new level of tactical warfare! With Apollo Alpha 8, you now have the ability to capture airfields using paratroopers. Surprise your enemies by dropping your elite troops behind enemy lines, seizing crucial airfields, and gaining a significant advantage in the fight for victory. Plan your drops strategically and unleash the power of airborne assaults!

Radar Controlled Intercept: RCI officers will have the ability to provide radar call-outs to their team members who are also on SRS, just like RCI officers during the war. By relaying valuable radar information to your comrades, you can enhance coordination, situational awareness, and execute strategic maneuvers with precision. Embrace the power of real-time radar intelligence and turn the tide of battle in your favor!

Expanded RCI Officers: We salute the dedication and bravery of our volunteer officers! In Apollo Alpha 8, we have expanded the ranks of the Radar-controlled intercept (RCI) officers to include those who have volunteered for this crucial role. Your valuable contributions as RCI officers will play a vital role in coordinating information, strategizing, and ensuring seamless communication between flights and individual players. Be sure to be on SRS to coordinate with your team!

Enhanced Supply System: Prepare to face the challenges of wartime logistics! Apollo Alpha 8 brings significant changes to our supply system, mirroring the demands and realities of the actual war. Frontline units will now receive supplies at a slower pace, requiring pilots to plan better defense of their own troops. Meanwhile, rear objectives will enjoy improved and timely supply deliveries, enabling sustained operations and formidable defensive positions. Without proper protection, your front line will crumble to the enemy's might. Keep that in mind as you fly in Apollo.

New Objectives: We're introducing thrilling new objectives that will test your skills and strategic prowess. One such objective is the Weeze Tire Factory, a critical industrial facility that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. During the campaign, both sides will fight tooth and nail to capture and secure this vital asset - all while the tires burn thick black smoke into the sky... Keep your eyes open for other surprises on the battlefield!

New Aircraft: Get ready to take to the skies in style! Apollo Alpha 8 adds two iconic aircraft to the rotation of available planes: the formidable Bf109G6A/S and the legendary SpitfireXIVe. Experience the adrenaline rush of dogfights, engage in thrilling air-to-air combat, and dominate the skies with these powerful additions to your aerial arsenal. We have also adjusted the requirements for the DC engine on the Bf109K4 and other minor changes to airframe availability.

To learn more about all the exciting changes in Apollo Alpha 8, we invite you to check out the detailed change log available here ---> docs.google.com/document/d/1A9gtDiaRdb_S...JTQ/edit?usp=sharing . Get ready to experience an unprecedented level of realism, strategic depth, and heart-pounding action as you immerse yourself in the chaos of war, only on Combat Box! Stay vigilant, stay determined, and lead your forces to glorious victories in Apollo Alpha 8 - Paratroopers and Radar!
Last Edit:1 Jahr 9 Monate her von Qetzalcoatl
Letzte Änderung: 1 Jahr 9 Monate her von Qetzalcoatl.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Goddee, Deciman, moltke1871

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Ich bitte um die Aufnahme ins JG4-Squad auf dem Combat-Server.
von Pylon

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Leider weiß ich gar nicht mehr, wie das geht. Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, hatte das damals Jos eingerichtet.

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Kleiner Hinweis für die Apollo Kampagne. Der Serverhost hat darauf hingewiesen, dass es sinnvoll sein kann den alten Kampagnenordner zu löschen. Zu finden in den Spieldateien: "Data/Multiplayer/Dogfight/Apollo". Am besten auch gleich den alten CombatBox-Ordner löschen. Dieser heißt "Alonzo".
Last Edit:1 Jahr 9 Monate her von Qetzalcoatl
Letzte Änderung: 1 Jahr 9 Monate her von Qetzalcoatl.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: moltke1871

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