Cliffs-Event Samstag, October 7, 2023 21:00 Berliner Zeit ATAG Server

Für alle, die Cliffs of Dover noch für ihren PC verfügbar haben und mal etwas anderes fliegen wollen, hier der Link für die Event-Ankündigung:

Folgende Flugzeuge stehen zur Verfügung und können/sollten eingerichtet sein:

blue side: Bf 109 E1/ E3/ E4/ Bf 110 C2/ C4/ C4b/ C7 Ju 87 b2
red side: Spitfire Ia/ Ia Oct 100 Hurricanes DH 5-20/ DH 5-20 100 oct/ I rotol/ I rotol 100 oct Beaufighter If
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: DonKanaille, Nick, GrauWolf

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Cliffs of Dover: Adlertag Event #1 - Samstag, October 7, 2023 um 21:00 Berliner Zeit auf dem ATAG Server



You must plan to escort the first two bomber raids of the day.
Rendezvous at 6h25 in the morning, with the first bomber group above Wissant (CA.42) at 7500 meters. These aircraft will be Do 17's from Kampfgeschwader II. Escort them over Kent until their return to France.
Rendezvous at 6h50 in the morning, with the second bomber group above Calais (CE.44) at 4000 meters. These aircraft will be Ju87 Stukas from Lehrgeschwader 1. Again, escort them over Kent and return with them to France.
If you fail to rendezvous with the bombers, they will be unescorted and vulnerable over England and you will be solely responsible for the fate of your comrades!
Organize close escort above the bombers! As Colonel Adolph Galland said it makes you 'a dog on a leash' but this is absolutely necessary!
Some fighter patrols will nevertheless be able to patrol above the bomber's objectives to deny the sky to defending RAF pilots.
Organize patrols from Littlestone (BS.45) to Ramsgate (BY.53) and to the south east suburbs of London. (BE.51)


Ashford Engine Oil Factory (BR.48)
Mershant ships lying in Dover (BX.47) and Folkestone (BV.46) harbours.
Dover (BX.48) and Rye (BP.44) Radar Stations
Royal Navy ships entering the Thames Estuary. Sink them!

Available aircraft:
Bf 109 E1, E3, E4
Bf 110 C2, C4, C4B, C7
Ju 87 B-2

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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Playflieger, moltke1871

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