Neuer BoS-Patch 5.107 und neues TAW wohl ab 10.11.23

Neuer BoS-Patch 5.107 und neues TAW wohl ab 10.11.23 wurde erstellt von Qetzalcoatl

Posted 1 Jahr 4 Monate her #48701
5.107 Changelist
  1. Hanriot HD.1 airplane is available in Early Access for all owners of "Flying Circus Vol. III";
  2. Nieuport 17 GBR (British) airplane is available in Early Access for all owners of "Flying Circus Vol. III";
  3. Soviet Collector Plane La-5F series 38 has been released;
  4. A new historical campaign "Overlord" has been released (American fighter pilot of the 354th Group flying a P-51B Mustang in June-August 1944);
  5. Normandy and Rheinland Career Mode: the number of German fighters has been reduced to be more historically accurate;
  6. Career Mode: updated templates for night bombing and transport missions, added searchlight beacons, friend-or-foe identification, night fighters, and pathfinder aircraft;
  7. Normandy Career Mode: in phases 1 to 3 Allied escort fighters will appear over the airfield when starting a mission on the ground and a kilometer behind the player when starting the mission in the air;
  8. Tank Crew: the commander menu of the player-controllable tanks has a new option for selecting the ammo depending on the target type;
  9. AQMB: British C-47 missions added;
  10. Force Feedback: the effect of flight stick movement by the weight of the control surfaces has been added to Nieuport 11, Nieuport 17, Albatros D.2, Sopwith Triplane, and Halberstadt;
  11. Dogfight: to make spying on the other team's actions harder, the coalition selection (and therefore the penalty in case of a coalition change) applies immediately when selecting a spawn point, not after the first flight;
  12. Multiplayer: fixed a problem with the incorrect color of selected tactical code symbols;
  13. Rheinland: fixed incorrect water reflections of trees growing on steep slopes;
  14. Nieuport 11 and Nieuport 17: fixed a problem with the engine overcooling too fast;
  15. La-5 ser.8 FM updated based on La-5FN and La-5F research;
  16. La-5 ser.8 and LaGG-3: bomb release is set to two at a time (previously it was one at a time), bomb release safety lever corrected (it is set to "ПО" position with no bombs and "ПЗ" position when carrying bombs), bomb release button sound added;
  17. Li-2: compass and autopilot direction indicator have been corrected to eliminate a small deviation in readings;
  18. Li-2: fluorescent instrument illumination has been adjusted;
  19. Li-2: pilot's death and capture after bailing out over enemy territory are counted correctly;
  20. Li-2: RPK radio compass shows relative radio station bearing correctly;
  21. Albatros D.2: the look of the bolts on the machine gun sights improved;
  22. Spitfire Mk.IXe: Mid-1944 skin rondels reflect the light correctly;
  23. Stalingrad Career Mode: armored gunboats now move in the artillery spotting missions;
  24. Career Mode: fixed taxiing at Mozhaisk airfield in Moscow region and Winkton airfield in Normandy;
  25. A memory leak bug that might have caused the mission editor to crash randomly when using high-resolution monitors (2K-4K) has been found and fixed.
 =/Hospiz/=MetalHead: Hi @everyone Small update about current plans. Next Eastern Front Campaign is coming next month. We are aiming for November 10th with registration launching week prior. It all depends on our progress with the updates and fixes though (last IL2 update broke certain things and on top of that the new patch just popped out). Upcoming campaign will be Moscow again. Stalingrad ETA is early 2024 (we'll probably do a West Front after this one and the next one after that will have Stalingrad). Minor changes this time.
Last Edit:1 Jahr 4 Monate her von Qetzalcoatl
Letzte Änderung: 1 Jahr 4 Monate her von Qetzalcoatl.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Greif, Thorwald, moltke1871

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DonKanaille antwortete auf Neuer BoS-Patch 5.107 und neues TAW wohl ab 10.11.23

Posted 1 Jahr 4 Monate her #48705
Da werde ich leider erst in Woche 3 dazu stoßen können. :(

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Eisbär antwortete auf Neuer BoS-Patch 5.107 und neues TAW wohl ab 10.11.23

Posted 1 Jahr 4 Monate her #48708
von Eisbär

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Deciman antwortete auf Neuer BoS-Patch 5.107 und neues TAW wohl ab 10.11.23

Posted 1 Jahr 4 Monate her #48710

5.107 Changelist

Dogfight: to make spying on the other team's actions harder, the coalition selection (and therefore the penalty in case of a coalition change) applies immediately when selecting a spawn point, not after the first flight;



Ich hätte mir zwar gewünscht, das der Hoster entscheiden kann
ob die Spawnpunkte Informationen über
- Anzahl der gespawnten Spieler
- Anzahl der angreifenden Flugzeuge/Fahrzeuge
Anzeigen selektiv an/abschalten kann

Aber egal, ein grosser Schritt in die richtige Richtung.

Und im IL2-Forum wird zumindest von einem Spieler schon massiv geheult deswegen...


Ich habe diesen 'Exploit' selber genutzt...
Weil es ging und ich wusste, die Gegenseite macht es auch
Der tut euch im Flieger nix,
der bastelt nur Flugbücher und Homepages (...)
Oberfeldwebel 'Deciman'
12./ JG4
Last Edit:1 Jahr 4 Monate her von Deciman
Letzte Änderung: 1 Jahr 4 Monate her von Deciman.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Nick

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