Jetzt trage ich Euch nicht nur in meinem Herzen...

  • DUI
  • DUIs Avatar Offline Autor
  • Beiträge: 3024
  • Dank erhalten: 1105

DUI antwortete auf Jetzt trage ich Euch nicht nur in meinem Herzen...

Posted 11 Jahre 1 Monat her #3154
* Pic of your loved one
This mod is turned off by default. To select a picture to use go to the folder [my documents]\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover -MOD\DashPics
Here you will find the following folders:
* Selected -the mod will use the pic named "1.tga" from this folder (PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE THIS FOLDER EMPTY WITHOUT A "1.tga" FILE)
* Templates -some "stock" pictures. To use one, copy it to the "Selected" folder and rename it to "1.tga".
This folder also includes a photoshop template. If you do a coustom picture, please note that you need to edit the alpha layer as well (included in the template) and the picture MUST be in tga format.

Also einfach diese 256x256 Pixel große .tga Datei im "Selected" Ordner mit Deinem Bild füllen und abspeichern.
von DUI

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