TAW Änderungen - Bitte besonders bei den Schiffen beachten!!!!
- Qetzalcoatl
Offline Autor
- Beiträge: 2123
- Dank erhalten: 1944
TAW Änderungen - Bitte besonders bei den Schiffen beachten!!!! wurde erstellt von Qetzalcoatl
Posted 1 Woche 5 Stunden her #51085
Ships changes:
- Static transport ships replaced with proper ship objects, that properly sink and have more detailed DM
- Some of the transport ships have low caliber AAA
- Fixed a bug with destroyers AAA attack zones - they are able to utilize full range of their guns now
- All ships are dynamically spawned now
- Lisieux capture by Allies opens possibility to attack Le Havre airbase (Le Havre becomes frontline town)
- No land connection between Lisieux and Le Havre. Rouen must be captured to cross Seine and launch land attacks as before.
- New fighter airbase of Hopsten added to Rheinland map.
- Hopsten is a special airbase with additional AAA
- Fixed Breda - now correctly starting as an Axis town (Gilze airbase consequently is initially blue as well)
- Me 262 and Ar 234 moved from previous airfields to the new Hopsten base.
- Ta 152 when available also moved from Greven to Hopsten
- 6 jets per type available on the airfield (it's the only jet base now)
- Jets are present only in the EU evenings. 3 evening missions with the highest population (after 16:00 server time)
- New DB engine 3 minute timer modifications enabled and installed by default on any applicable aircraft (mostly 109s are affected)
- Distance Score Modifier - targets destroyed behind enemy lines rewarded with more CP/EXP
- Reward increased linearly with the distance from the frontline at a 1% / 2km rate.
- Bonus is applied for destruction of targets, both air and ground.
- Paratroop runs are unaffected by the score modifier
- Droping paratroopers in the landing zones provides double the reward instead.
- Glider landing reward doubled as well (15 ->30 CP).
- Aircraft and Balance score modifiers do not affect flight time reward (exploit prevention).
- Aircraft score modifiers adjusted for different aircraft.
- Air kill CP/EXP rewards increased (approx 50% higher).
- V-1 appearing more frequently - 3 missions per day instead of 1 (most populated timeframe)
- Landing zone events more frequent - 3 missions per day (subject to all other requirements) in the most populated timeframe
- Removed certain broken (invisible) buildings from train stations.
- Optimized AAA performance on the server (to allow for live ships)
- Other minor bugfixing and optimization
Last Edit:1 Woche 5 Stunden her
von Qetzalcoatl
Letzte Änderung: 1 Woche 5 Stunden her von Qetzalcoatl.
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