Hi JG4 wanted to share this with you all.

Hi JG4 wanted to share this with you all. wurde erstellt von 5./ZG1_Borchers

Posted 8 Jahre 5 Monate her #28162
I posted this on my squads site, but wanted to share with you all.

Horrid! And Danke


PS. JG4_Grief. Thank you for your videos they are very helpful for a new player like me.

Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Widukind, JG4_Henry, Yellow

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DUI antwortete auf Hi JG4 wanted to share this with you all.

Posted 8 Jahre 5 Monate her #28174
Welcome to our forum Borchers,

It seems that the linked post is in a thread that a permission is needed for: "You do not have sufficient access to view this page. View thread list only."

Best regards
von DUI

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Greif antwortete auf Hi JG4 wanted to share this with you all.

Posted 8 Jahre 5 Monate her #28188
Glad I could help you :)

You have a beautifull homepage there :)
von Greif
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: 5./ZG1_Borchers

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5./ZG1_Borchers antwortete auf Hi JG4 wanted to share this with you all.

Posted 8 Jahre 5 Monate her #28200
This might work?

I just have to share this with you all, most of you know I am serviceman and its coming to close. But I am also a college student ,I know at 40 right!! And my study is in Military History and hope to earn my Bachelors of Arts this coming year. And in my years of service I've been around the world. Many times and been places I never wish I went and some places I hope to go again and as a kid I was bit by the history bug and the stories my dad would tell me of Vietnam and my grandparents stories from both sides, had a grandfather moms side, was a Luftwaffe Pilot and a Tuskegee Airman on Fathers side and a USN Avenger gunner on mom side Mother. And then Me Iraq ,Afghanistan and Kosovo Veteran. Combined with being a model builder and loving to represent a moment in time in our world history with the kits I build and tell a little story, I flew with a pilot in the Air Force one day escorting the remains of one soldiers to Landsthul Germany, and we chatted the whole time from Iraq to Germany, about the Air war and gentleman fight they called it back then I guess. And just amplified my intrest. And opened my eyes and ears to more than, Just the basics I knew before.

So while in my travels I stopped in a VFW in Washington State and met an old chap WWII vet a B17 navigator, he said. And he asked what such a you g fellow was doing in here and I told him I was an Infantryman and served 3 tours in Iraq. With the US Army 3rd Infantry Division he chuckled and said " Ol Audie Murphy's Broken Television Division" refering to 3RD Inf Division patch, which made me laugh because it is still called Broken Television Division. And then with the 3rd Special Forces group, and 2nd Infantry Division in Afghanistan. And he stood up and saluted me, I was taken aback, and when I stood up to return the salute a d buy him a drink I noticed a little patch he had on his jacket it was a B17 above the number 100which seemed to have red tears and a shattered looking Knights helmet above and on each side of a mountain with crosses on each end. And had 9-11-44. At the base. So after a drink and a grilled cheese sandwich and some talk about what I was like as an Infantryman and my time in combat. He told me about 2 incindents that he would never forget, and chaos of an air battle above the clouds, He said it was fighting at heavens door step, cause " if you bought it God was already up there to grab us all" But anyway I asked him about his patch and he lifted his tumbler with his head bowed and said to the Hundred!!! And and drank and then something in German and raised his glass and drank, I recognized fliger.

Hey told me he was part of the 349th Bomb Squadron of the 100th BG or the Bloody Hundred. And said" son every time I see a crystal blue sky it is filled with Contrails and Chaos and unimaginable acts of airmanship and honor we all witnessed" and went on a little bit of being part of a formation heading into Germany alone due to complacency and ego on our part and went on to say a FG of mustang were supposed to be with them but they all flew to France for a souvenir run. So another FG had to take their place but although Late " those Candy Canes saved our Bacon" he was referencing the 339th FG from Fowlmere had a red and white checked nose band, which later I found out while not as filled with Aces such as the Zemkes Wolf pack, 352nd and 357th Fg's. 339th were involved in almost every air battle of WWII. Anyway long story short a met a historian at the Air Force museum and told him I was a History Buff and WWII affeciado and hoped to teach in rotc one day. We got to talk I g and at the time the big th I g was the discovery and recovery of the P38 Glacier Girl. But anyway he told me to put my name on this list about a battle not talked about alot but was a pretty big deal in fall of 44. And he said it was o e of the biggest if not biggest fight ever. Next to the Marianas Turkey Shoot. So Now almost e years have passed and today I recived a package and in it was a Booklet from the Air Force Museum and in conjunction with A museum in the Chezch Republic it is the Titled the Bloody Encounter over a fogotten Mountain. Which came to find out was the Air Battle over the Ore Mountains, in which over 1500 Aircraft from both sides clashed. From B17's and mustang to ME262's Fw's,109s and Liberators. And with that was a Piece of the Dash of a FW190A8 of II Gruppe JG4 7th Staffell. I am so stoked and just wanted to share and that navigator I talked too those years earlier was in this Air Battle. And the red tears are blood shed from the Bloody Hundred, and that helmet all battered is to me that of JG4. Freaking Amazing.

So be looking for a modelling thread from me soon with the represetation of some of the Aircraft in this battle and a special diorama of the A/C in which I recived this piece of History.
Last Edit:8 Jahre 5 Monate her von 5./ZG1_Borchers


Letzte Änderung: 8 Jahre 5 Monate her von 5./ZG1_Borchers.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Yellow, Goddee

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Yellow antwortete auf Hi JG4 wanted to share this with you all.

Posted 8 Jahre 5 Monate her #28211
Nice story ;)

You also landed 50km North from my hometown at Landshut Airfield ;)

Thanks for sharing :)
von Yellow

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Greif antwortete auf Hi JG4 wanted to share this with you all.

Posted 8 Jahre 5 Monate her #28266
We`ve already been to Kovarska a few times. We had some squadmeetings there. There is a happening to honor the pilots who fought in that battle. Some of us where lucky enough to meet a few veterans and to talk to them for hours. Meanwhile most of the veterans passed away :(


In that museam they have a lot of parts from planes that where shot down in that battle.
von Greif

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