KOTA Event

KOTA Event wurde erstellt von Oxyd

Posted 5 Jahre 9 Monate her #38241
Kleine Einladung von KOTA für ein gemeinsames Event (Sa 19 Uhr Berliner Zeit):

Hello Everybody, I hope You are all having a nice day.
We are planning to make another coordinated event, and would like to invite squadrons for both sides. The event will take place on KubanSummer1944 mission.
This scenario's planeset is: Axis side: Bf 109 G-4, G-6, G-14, two K-4(per fighter airfield)
Fw 190 A-5, A-8, two D-9s(per fighter airfield)
Ju-87, Ju-88 He-111 H6/H16, Bf-110 G-2, Hs-129 B-2
Allied side: P-39, La-5 FN, Yak-1b, Yak-7b Spitfire Mk. IXe, P-47 D-28(on both fighter airfields)
Pe-2 Series 87, Il-2m 43, A-20
The event will begin on the upcoming Saturday, Berlin time 19:00. We are gathering on our discord:https://discord.gg/KHbVNn5
The squadrons leaders should join to our Teamspeak server too: kotastat.com to keep sqadrons organized.

Every loners who are willing to participate, and willing to work together with the other squads are warmly welcomed!
The common language is English, but if you speak the squadrons language where You joined it is still very good.

See you around
von Oxyd
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Goddee

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