Greetings JG 4!

Greetings JG 4! wurde erstellt von ZG1_Panzerbar

Posted 11 Jahre 4 Monate her #2763
Hallo mates!

Glad, very glad to see You still going on and growing!
"Ich gradulire dich mit Seine 10.Jahre", something like that (sorry for my deutsch ;) )

I 've met Alter_Fritz recently in WarThunder, and was very pleased to see old mate in the air :)

As You may know, I left =KAG= some time ago, and, together with my Panzerjager friends, historyans and enthusiasts, we formed our new squadron. We are currently flying and training in WarThunder, but our point is to be ready for scirmish over frozen Stalingrad steppes!

Few words about my squadron:

Schlachtgeschwader 1 (abbr. Schl.G 1 - 1st formation - from 13.01.42 to 16.10.43) is a dedicated ground attack (schlacht) regiment, specialised in JaBo and Panzer-abwer-tieffangriff missions.

We are using only historically correct aircrafts (as real Schl.G 1) - Bf109E-7, Fw190A/F and Hs129B.

We are now 20 pilots active, 4 of them - including myself - Panzerjager pilots (flying antitank coffins like Hs129 :) ), all others - JaBo/Schlacht pilots (Bf109/Fw190 JaBo).

We are not a trained dogfighters - actually - we are not fighters at all, so we are looking for skilled escort fighters. We let them do their job (hunting for abschuss over and around our formation and in target area), but we will do our job destroying ground targets - FlaK, PaK and of course, Panzerwagen.

Almost all of use speak English fluently, and I teach my pilots basic Luftwaffe code words (like Gartenzaun e.t.c.) to understand our german-speaking mates during combat missions.

P.S. Bendwick, please change my profile name from =KAG=Bersrk to SchlG1_Panzerbar
Last Edit:11 Jahre 4 Monate her von ZG1_Panzerbar


Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 4 Monate her von ZG1_Panzerbar.

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Continu0 antwortete auf Greetings JG 4!

Posted 11 Jahre 4 Monate her #2765
Hello Panzerbar

Welcome on the forum!
Without beeing able to speak for the rest of JG4, I think we will all be involved in BoS.

Primarily, we are all flying 109s, so working together with a Schlachtgeschwader would be great!

We just finished the Battle for France-Campaign in Cliffs of Dover and are looking forward to the next campaign. At the moment, we are about 20 active pilots, ready for the next battle!

btw, if you haven´t, I encourage you to have a look at the work of Team Fusion - cliffs of dover has become well playable and is a fantastic flightsim with their last patch. and the next should come out not too far in the future...

See you in the Sky!
von Continu0
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ZG1_Panzerbar antwortete auf Greetings JG 4!

Posted 11 Jahre 4 Monate her #2768

Thx for answer. mate.

Some things to clarify:

When World of Tanks released in 2010, Il-2:46 death (I think because mainly of MOD-illness) and CloD bad start, my squadron was spread to WoT, RoF and DCS.

I started to play WoT (thats the only game run on my aged PC), as a AT tankist (Panzerjager, as it was my main job in Il-2 series - JG4 "old tigers" may know it :) ).

Then I create a clan of such a mad antitankers as me. We found out, that all of us (Me, Skadeg and Konig) are deeply envolved in history research, archives, fieled diggin (WWII archeology), and so on.

So, when our Panzerjager clan growed, our interest growed too.
Many of our members were actually connected with flightsims - from early Il-2:Sturmovik and even muuuuuch earlier (early 1990th aviasim games).
Nagre, Bober_Lv, Alex_Dn, Skadeg, Konig, MoRa, Kosulis - this is our "old flight simmers".

So, I decided to leave =KAG= and return to my original side - blue (Luftwaffe), as I flew on "Gold" (Axis) side in WarBirds:Free Host flighsim from 2003 (as pilot of ZG48 and later as commander of I./ZG1 squads) to 2006, when I joined =KAG=.

Now I am back to "blues", and one of commanding officers in my Geschwader ( I am StaFu of 4.(Pz)/Schl.G.1).

I've never bought and play CloD as my PC dont run this game. Many of my pilots bought that, and felt "Wait! Oh sheeeeee.....!!!!!" in first runs.

All of us will never trust Maddox Games, Luthier or whatever connected with CloD. Thats why we are extremly sceptical about DCS:WW II, as almost whole russian speaking community.

But we are tired of Il-2:;46, so we are now temporarly flying WarThunder and making our basic trainings as a virtual squadron:
-formation flying
-proper ground attack strafing passes
-schwarm air combats vs superior fighters.
-flak-abwehr maneuvers e.t.c.

Main point in training - less dogfights (as it is supposed to fighter escort for our JaBos/Henschels), but more tiefangriff and JaBo-angriffs.

We are on the way to establich a website for our squadron (now searching for good hosts). Second problem - TS-3 server. We now use RaidCall, but are not happy with it.

When BoS will be released, I hope we will have up to 20 trained schlacht pilots ready for action :)

As for me, I'll be happy if JG4 will fly with us as a fighter escort :)
Last Edit:11 Jahre 4 Monate her von ZG1_Panzerbar
Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 4 Monate her von ZG1_Panzerbar.

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Widukind antwortete auf Greetings JG 4!

Posted 11 Jahre 4 Monate her #2770
Hallo "alter Freund",

Es ist schön, dich hier zu sehen. Fritz hat immer schöne Grüße von Dir ausgerichtet, danke.
Ich freue mich schon auf BOS. In diesem Spiel steckt auch viel Hoffnung, die "alten" Tage wieder aufleben zu lassen. Und natürlich werden wir für euch Jagdschutz fliegen. Unser Squad hat auch eine kleine Krise durchgemacht, sie nennt sich COD. Aber wir haben es geschafft, sind jetzt 10 Jahre alt und haben unsere aktive Mitgliederzahl wieder auf 20 Fliegende angehoben. Insgesamt sind wir noch um die 35 Mitglieder. Es war eine sehr harte Zeit mit COD, fast alle virtuellen Geschwader sind kaputt gegangen in dieser Phase. Wir haben überlebt und konnten uns noch steigern. Von den alten Mitgliedern sind noch aktiv:

JG4_ Alter_Fritz

Vielleicht kennst du noch einige?
Wir hoffen und wünschen, dass wir wieder zusammen fliegen können. Ich halte auch noch kontakt zu V.4_zui und den VO101´ern, dem zweiten bekannten ungarischen Geschwader. Sie und auch wir hoffen, auf eine bessere Zeit als mit COD. Jetzt habe ich noch eine Frage zu deinem "Namen" SchlG1_Panzerbar oder heist es SchlG1_Panzerbär? Hast du eine Premium Version gekauft von BOS?

So, das soll es erstmal kurz gewesen sein, ich muß schon wieder auf Arbeit
lass uns noch ein bischen schreiben. Wenn du Fragen hast, dann immer her damit. Wenn einer Zeit hätte könnte er diesen Googel Mist mal richtig ins engl. übersetzten?
Last Edit:11 Jahre 4 Monate her von Widukind
Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 4 Monate her von Bendwick.

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ZG1_Panzerbar antwortete auf Greetings JG 4!

Posted 11 Jahre 4 Monate her #2771
Ahha, Widu mate, "Der alte Sturmjager" :) Extremly pleased to hear You!

1. About my "new" nickname:
When I flew as =KAG=Bersrk, all pilots called me just "Ber".
In WoT my nickname was Panzerjager. So I just made 1+1 and became "Panzerbär". I have no "ä" on my keyboard, so I cant correct write it :) Also, 1C Games forum dont support ä letter in nickname. So, let it be SchlG1_Panzerbar :)

JG4_ alter_Fritz

More to say - I ever remember a reason why JG4_Fritz became JG4_Alter_Fritz :) It was during AFW, when Fritz was banned :)

Hast du eine Premium Version gekauft von BOS ?

Developers granted me a Premium version as a gift after my help with CloD and BoS projects. Some of my pilots bought Premium too, so... We are ready :)


With this pilot I have one story:
AFW, I am in Il-2, attacking german AT guns. Then we go to attack german tanks. I use rockets and bombs. Accidentally I see 2 Ju87 on the bombrun. Shot down a leader (I./ZG52_Gaga). Then I see 2 more, get one down. Then came Bf109's, many, many of them. Our P-39's engaged, and falling under fire of Messers... I got into dogfight, and cought up one, opened fire with deflection.
Then, AI overshot me, I go low and shot him down.
Situation - in the air only: I am with injured backgunner, V.4_zui in Bf109 and ROSS_i-dont-remember-his-name in damaged and smoking P-39.

I made my ever-ever-ever best deflection shot.


I will be glad to fly with Zui now, as a kamrade :)
Last Edit:11 Jahre 4 Monate her von ZG1_Panzerbar
Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 4 Monate her von ZG1_Panzerbar.

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DUI antwortete auf Greetings JG 4!

Posted 11 Jahre 4 Monate her #2772

SchlG1_Panzerbar schrieb: More to say - I ever remember a reason why JG4_Fritz became JG4_Alter_Fritz :) It was during AFW, when Fritz was banned :)

More information please! I always had the feeling that Fritz was the world's greatest cheater and finally, I am on the edge of getting some proof. :woohoo: ;)
Last Edit:11 Jahre 4 Monate her von DUI
Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 4 Monate her von DUI.

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