Battle of Stalingrad

Kaczmarek_01 antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 6 Jahre 10 Monate her #33521

JG4_Henry schrieb: Weil ich ziemlich scharf auf die Hs 129 bin, wollte ich mir Kuban gestern früh schnell kaufen. Der Link auf Steam in den Shop wurde mir von Kaspersky verweigert. Der Link sei nicht sicher, das Zertifikat nicht gültig, Da hinterlasse ich dann lieber doch nicht meinen Kreditkartendaten. Wechselte dann zur Il2-Seite, auf der mir jedoch nur Stalingrad und Moskau angeboten wurden. Wo habt ihr Kuban erworben? (70 Euro für ein AddOn, das ich wahrscheinlich keine 10 Stunden spielen werde, schmerzen schon ein wenig...)

Das FM gefällt mir richtig gut, erstmals kann ich mit der 190 was anfangen. Offline sieht man nun sogar gegen die Spitfire einen Stich.

Hole es Dir im IL-2 Store direkt, kannst es ja dann später auch beim Steam registrieren, wenn Du willst...

Vielleicht können wir ja dann mal zusammen mit der Henschel fliegen, wenn es schon mit der Ju 88 nicht klappt... :cheer: :oops:

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Raven antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 6 Jahre 10 Monate her #33522
New TAW campaign starts on 1st September morning.

Changes and new features:

New artillery objective. When enemy tank convoy, with more than 10 tanks, is near the city then artillery is placed to support tanks attack. To prevent from capturing the city destroy artillery and tanks as well.

New supply warehouse objective is placed on the map once every 4-5 real days (about 50 missions). If not destroyed then it increase global limits for planes, tanks and trucks by 80, 150 and 240 respectively. Supply warehouse consist of several different hangars and other buildings. You must destroy as many hangars as possible.

If depot is destroyed completely then it’s not available for several missions (about 15). After that time it is rebuild but only by 50%, so I will be much easier to destroy it next time. It’s recommended to constantly attacking enemy depot because if not attacked then it’s rebuild by a small amount. Depot has influence on tanks/supply convoy strength, defense position strength and availability of some payloads on the airfields.

New defense position layout. As before tanks, anti-tanks guns, BM-13 and armored trucks, dugouts should be destroyed. There are many dugouts now but only those witch are connected by passages should be destroyed. The main strength of defense position are tanks/anti-tank guns (50%), then BM-13/armored trucks (25%) and connected dugouts (25%)

After capturing enemy city new defense position depends on number of trucks and also number of tanks now.

Hidden troops are placed on its side of territory. Front line takes into account position of this troops.

It’s not possible to land on closed airfield.

Drop zone for paratroops is visible only for Axis side.

Destroyed bridge doesn’t inform about nearby enemy planes.

Ju-52 doesn’t need 100% fuel to fly transport mission.

Planes with quantity below 0 will not be replenish automatically by CM+1 anymore.

Disconnection – if plane was damaged and there was disconnection before 5min from last damage then it’s count as before as DISCO. If disconnection was after 5min then it’s not counted as DISCO but plane is lost.

New medals graphic and awards for total flight time on different type of planes.

New plane set:

* ShVAK is not available for the I-16 type 24 on the first map #1

* VYa23 is not available for the IL-2 AM-38 '41 on the first map #1

* M82F engine is not available for the La-5 on the map #5

* Mk103 is not available for the Hs-129 on the maps #5 and #6

* Sh37 is limited for the IL-2 AM-38 ’42. Limitation depends on depot destruction.

* SC1000 is limited for the He 111 H-6. It’s not available on frontline airfields and limitation depends on depot destruction.

Registration is open.

Good luck!
Das Glück bevorzugt den,
der vorbereitet ist.
Oberfähnrich 'Raven'
Einsatzreserve / JG4
von Raven
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Oxyd

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Oxyd antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 6 Jahre 10 Monate her #33524
registriert :-)
von Oxyd
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Raven

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dingsda antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 6 Jahre 10 Monate her #33525

Oxyd schrieb: registriert :-)

+1 :)
periissem nisi periissem
Fähnrich 'Dingsda'
Einsatzreserve / JG4
von dingsda
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Raven

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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Raven

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Widukind antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 6 Jahre 10 Monate her #33531
Squad erstellt ,ihr dürft euch registrieren.
von Widukind

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