Battle of Stalingrad

Widukind antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 4 Jahre 5 Monate her #41571
Jasons Video zum Kontaktspoting in 4k
von Widukind
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Greif, Lebano, Pega, DonKanaille, Feldjäger

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DonKanaille antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 4 Jahre 5 Monate her #41593
Na das wirkt doch deutlich besser!

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Oxyd antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 4 Jahre 5 Monate her #41594
Momentan funktioniert die Steam-Version nicht:
von Oxyd

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DonKanaille antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 4 Jahre 5 Monate her #41595
Bei mir läuft alles wie gewohnt.

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Deciman antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 4 Jahre 4 Monate her #41630
Neues Update...
1.31 GB

Main features
1. The new scenario campaign "Wind of Fury" is now available to all owners of the Bodenplatte project for free;
2. P-39L-1 "Airacobra" and Bf 109 G-6 fighters now have 4K quality external textures created by Martin = ICDP = Catney;
3. The long-range LODs scaling system for aircraft has been adjusted. Aircraft spotting at short to medium distances, especially when using wide camera angles, is greatly improved. The visibility at distance has been adjusted to be closer to reality.
4. Alternate Visibility has been renamed Enhanced Visibility: this mode gives a much greater increase in aircraft visibility at long ranges compared to the new standard visibility. At medium ranges, visibility is also significantly improved compared to the old Alternate Visibility option;
5. MSAA x8 option has been added, but please note that this level of AA is very demanding to the graphics card performance;
6. The atmospheric haze density option has been added to the Quick Mission Builder. Its minimum value corresponds to the haze density available earlier;
7. Dawn/Dusk Fog option has been added to the Quick Mission Builder. This option is available only when the haze density is set to half of the maximum value or more;
8. The haze density option (from 0.0 to 1.0) is now stored in a mission file. Radiation fog appears at dusk if the value of the haze is more than 0.5 and the weather preset name contains an odd number at the end. The denser haze makes it easier to spot other aircraft against the background of the landscape when the distance from the observer to the target is much less than the distance from the observer to the landscape behind the target. This can be used when designing multiplayer missions for game servers;
9. Distant levels of detail (LODs) of the aircraft now have the same surface material setting as closer and more detailed LODs, making the lighting of distant aircraft much more realistic and enabling reflections and glints when the relative position of a contact, an observer and the light source(s) is right;
10. In a multiplayer game, a tooltip has been added to the list of game servers when hovering the mouse cursor over the difficulty preset icon. This tooltip displays all the difficulty settings of this multiplayer server;
11. This information is also available in the multiplayer server lobby (“About the server” section);

Der tut euch im Flieger nix,
der bastelt nur Flugbücher und Homepages (...)
Oberfeldwebel 'Deciman'
12./ JG4
von Deciman
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Thorwald, Goddee, Nutellaexperte, Feldjäger

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sKylon antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 4 Jahre 4 Monate her #41632
Kurze Frage zu Punkt 4 (alternate visibility):

Das ist auf den Servern doch sicher deaktiviert?
von sKylon

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